As you know, I haven’t featured a “Jeff Gordon” TBT picture in about a month or so. It isn’t like I’ve forgotten. It’s just that recent events necessitated a pause or change in the direction of the project – mainly to clear my mind and focus. To try to find some “sanity” in the ensuing insanity – that hasn’t worked out too well at times.
This is a blog (and as of warning … quite a long one) that I have struggled with since this issue began last month when a tragic act occurred that seemed to spawn a lot of knee-jerk decisions (and reactions) – including the ceased licensing of “The Dukes of Hazzard” merchandise and TVLand’s decision to remove the re-runs because they were deemed “controversial”. The only reason? A decoration on a car. The roof, not the hood as many are mistakenly stating.
Just so you know, recently at a car show in Pennsylvania (the weekend of July 10th), Tom Wopat (Luke Duke) appeared with the car. And, yes, it had the flag ( He was simple and direct when addressing the issue: “it’s just a decoration on a car”. He also added the history was complicated and that it meant different things to different people.
Anyway …
This project was started back in January, when Jeff Gordon announced his decision to retire. I decided to dedicate #TBT (Throwback Thursday) photos to items from his career: novelties, die-cast, trading cards, hero cards to celebrate that career. Items I had collected over the years and were proud of (still am).
I proudly waved my flag-towel on lap #24 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway to celebrate his final race here. And, at the time I was quite sad about it. It seemed like it was too soon for him to retire.
However, since mid to late June, I find myself at confusing moment with this project – and I’m at a cross roads with it to be quite honest. I have a decision to make – continue or stop.
The controversy over the “flag” as well as the “General Lee”, a car no longer welcome at race tracks. A car; that two good old boys used to right wrongs and do for others in.
Getting back to Jeff Gordon and this “stance” …
Let me state this right off –
I respect his right to his opinion. I respect him for stating how he feels. I wouldn’t want anyone to step on my right to do so. He has to do what he feels right in doing.
I would also like to state that, I do not stand for hatred, oppression, discrimination, or slavery. Being overweight, I have had to deal with my share of hatred, oppression, and discrimination – so I get that. Some will say you can’t compare the two.
They’d be right …
To a point …
They’re similar in that the attitudes and opinions that spawn hateful actions are ingrained in the hearts and minds of people – so it doesn’t matter what the hate is a result of … it’s there.
Judging someone on their looks or anything other than character is wrong – period. That’s it. End of the story. Moving on …
This attitude toward the “flag” …
It seems that anything with it is free game. That even includes a beloved TV show: “The Dukes of Hazzard”. They were top 10 in the ratings for seasons two, three, and four. In season three (1980-1981), they were #2 – first was “Dallas”! Quite a feat for the show even a CBS official didn’t like.
Then again, shows are not for the executives – they’re for the people. And, between 18-21 million people tuned in every week for the show. That was between 1979-1983, before the “Coy and Vance” debacle. But, today, the show still lives in the hearts of the people that grew up with it, their children, and in some cases their grand-children. Just check out Cooter’s Place on Facebook if you are so inclined.
Then again, shows are not for the executives – they’re for the people. And, between 18-21 million people tuned in every week for the show. That was between 1979-1983, before the “Coy and Vance” debacle. But, today, the show still lives in the hearts of the people that grew up with it, their children, and in some cases their grand-children. Just check out Cooter’s Place on Facebook if you are so inclined.
At the end of June, in the wake of the tragedy, Warner Brothers announced they were no longer going to license toys or merchandise with the General Lee because of … the flag. And, TV Land followed with pulling the re-runs of the show stating “controversy” over “the flag” (TV Land Pulls 'Dukes of Hazzard' Reruns
Jul 1, 2015; ABC News).
According to the article, re-runs were still being aired on CMT and online though. However, as of this blog, it looks like they are no longer on CMT either, making Amazon the only outlet for DVDs (which are in short supply) or online viewing.
Other than that “flaw in the slaw” (the flag) – there were no issues with the show or any racist comments, tones, or attitudes.
That wasn’t enough – Barnes and Noble, Target, and Walmart do not have the toy cars or the DVDs for sale. Amazon is the only one selling the series – but it is in limited supply (that should speak to its current popularity – obviously still in demand).
Amazon stats on the DVD sets as of 7/13/2015 @10pm Pacific Time:
(Six from other sellers, from $38.99 to $64.99)
(Five from other sellers, from $22.49 to $59.69)
(Seven from other sellers, from $22.48 to $59.69)
(Two from other sellers, from $22.27 to $59.69)
(Five from other sellers, from $22.49 to $79.98)
(Four from other sellers, from $22.49 to $49.69)
(Available from other sellers at higher prices)
Now, if you go through Warner Brothers’ website, you just might be able to get them … here’s the stats as of 2:48am –July 18th:
(Expected to ship in 10 business days)
(Expected to ship in 10 business days)
(Expected to ship in 10 business days)
(Expected to ship in 10 business days)
(Expected to ship in 10 business days)
(Expected to ship in 10 business days)
(Expected to ship in 10 business days)
FYI: The seven season set (for $168) is BACKORDERED (Expected to ship in 10 business days).
That should tell them something – obviously it doesn’t.
At this point, it seems that even getting the DVDs will be difficult, if not impossible. Glad I have two sets though. At the beginning of July I debated on getting a second set, but I opted to – “just in case”.
This essentially equates to a “ban” on the show. Although the media and networks are not calling it such – that’s what it equates to.
Banning “The Dukes of Hazzard” because of a flag on a car is not going to change those filled with hate and evil in their hearts and minds.
To make this worse – a golfer who has the ORIGINAL General Lee (Gen Lee-1, the one that made the historic jump) is going to alter (more like deface) that piece of work and that sickens me.
It is part of cinematic history – the car is a cinematic icon and treasure. And, it is also a work of art. To be honest, it belongs in a museum – cinematic one especially. It had been rotting away in a Georgia junkyard. Someone who thought it was valuable, rescued and restored it to its former glory – to be treasured and loved – not defaced or altered to suit the PC bandwagon. It is what it is – the General Lee – flag and all.
One wouldn’t deface the Mona Lisa to suit their vision, would they? What about the Sistine Chapel?
Perhaps they would … especially in today’s day and age. Or so it seems.
We all know what that car looks like, if not … here’s a picture:
[General Lee with the "flag" on the roof] |
[General Lee in flight; "Dukes of Hazzard" ©1979-1985 Warner Brothers] |
While there can be negative connotations attached to the flag, for me, it was really about the Dukes and what examples they set for us – and the lessons Uncle Jesse taught or reinforced in us.
Quick lesson – my mother taught me a lot of values and morals and not to do wrong. By watching “Starsky and Hutch”, I knew if I did wrong, I’d go to jail. I didn’t need to commit a crime to know I’d do time. I knew Hutch meant business, so any law breaking meant he’d come after me. Starsky I thought was a sweetheart though. Yes, it was TV, but to a kid – there is some form of realism attached.
And, if it helps me learn or reinforce lessons – how is it bad?
“The Dukes of Hazzard”? Let’s say that if I lived in that universe, I wouldn’t worry about what Bo or Luke would do if I did wrong – seeing the look of disappointment on Uncle Jesse’s face made me feel lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon wheel rut. I never wanted to see that look on my mom’s face – ever! I never wanted her to feel like she had done something wrong in raising me. And, it too taught me: “do bad, go to jail”.
For NASCAR to not even allow the General Lee on the racetrack (which they had done back in 2006 at Las Vegas and 2008 at Atlanta) – that’s a little bit more than this fan will allow (see what I did there).
NASCAR’s stance sends me the message: “if you’re a fan of The Dukes of Hazzard (or the General Lee) you won’t be allowed or welcomed – we don’t want you here”. However, one speedway president did say it wasn’t banned, but they asked fans not to display it out of respect. Fair enough. This fan will stay home and not “display” her flag (even if it’s only on the General Lee on her t-shirt).
As of note, “The Dukes of Hazzard” featured several NASCAR references, driver references, and two drivers appearing on the show (Terry Labonte in an uncredited role; Cale Yarborough appearing twice as himself). To explain Bo and Luke’s absence the “NASCAR” issue was brought up. So, NASCAR cannot fully escape it.
In liking the series (and the car), I feel like I’m being wrongly judged by those in NASCAR, especially based on the statements of two of my favorite drivers. I’m being unfairly judged of behavior I’ve never exhibited in speech, expression, or even in attitude. So, how can I possibly feel “respected”? I don’t.
It is interesting to note I have not heard or read of anyone wanting to ban the movie “O Brother, Where Art Thou”. That movie is openly racist and offensive. It even shows the KKK about to hang a young black man for nothing more than his skin tone – yet, I bet some of the NASCAR drivers and personalities like the movie. I find it reprehensible! Still, no move to ban it – just “The Dukes of Hazzard”. Kind of hypocritical I’d say.
As a result of this hypocrisy, I had to make a decision regarding this project. This is one that hurts quite a bit, but I feel it’s the right one for me.
I can no longer do this project. I cannot do it.
It’s not like I don’t have items to feature, I have enough for this year and next; I recently acquired an item, albeit less than 10¢ due to using eBay bucks – and it is an interesting item to feature – it is a car from 1999 and sponsored by “Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace”. I feel like a quitter, so that’s nagging on me a lot. But, I cannot do it when I am this conflicted or there is a divide.
To continue the Jeff Gordon #TBT project would be (in some ways) supporting his views and those of NASCAR.
While it might sound silly … the Dukes were the kind of family I wanted to grow up with. They were, in some respects … like some members of my own family. And, I hate to see someone or something unfairly treated or targeted. It’s the same mindset that NASCAR is viewing certain fans with, but that’s okay I guess – just not okay with me.
Yes, one is reality – the other is a TV show. However, I am not the only one who feels that the Dukes were a good and positive influence – and part of our families. It was a time when families prayed before dinner and weren’t afraid to show love, affection, and compassion – for all folks. The only family drama was external – very seldom internal. And, that was usually caused by external influences.
Today’s shows? Not so much. You can’t seem to find a semi-functional family like Uncle Jesse, Luke, Daisy, and Bo (Cooter by extension). They worked together, for each other, and for others. That is perhaps why it hurts more that they’re being unfairly targeted.
NASCAR jumped into the South Carolina flag controversy before there was even time to recover from mourning – they could have remained neutral and cited their own policy. They didn’t. Today marks a month after the tragedy. Some decisions were made not even within a week’s time. And, the decisions were knee-jerk reactions causing others to jump on a PC bandwagon.
Because of said PC bandwagon, Warner Brothers discontinued the merchandise licenses (goodbye to General Lee die cast cars) and TVLand pulled the show. How fair is that to the actors? It’s unfairly labeling them as well! It’s also unfairly labeling the fans – some of who are of other ethnicities than white.
The series is supposedly available on DVD (but from few retailers, if any) – that is until Warner Brothers stops that. However, other offensive shows/movies are left alone. See the blog about “The Dukes of Hazzard and Indiana Jones” (
This situation could have been handled differently. It wasn’t. Now, we all have to live with the “fall-out” of someone’s evil. And some of that fallout is my relationship with NASCAR. This was started by the media who had to mention something that had no bearing on the attacker’s identity or the description of the car. It had no value to the facts – it did have inflammatory and sensational value though.
Will I attend future races? No, not likely. I cancelled my 2016 LVMS tickets (though I will lose the money I’ve already paid – couldn’t afford them anyway due to $1450 worth of car repairs and car rental expenses), and I likely won’t buy any more NASCAR stuff. I purchased a Jeff Gordon die-cast, but it only cost me 6¢ because I had eBay Bucks.
I’ll still keep track of NASCAR … just not like I did. I’ll still keep my stuff.
Because, unlike others – I can attach positive to combat a negative and show that the human spirit can endure, can evolve, look for the good – and do good.
That is what we should have focused on in the beginning – mourn, grieve, heal, talk. Find the good, not the bad.
This blog will appear in both blogs: “Making Laps – My NASCAR Blog” and “Snapshots and Project 365”.
UPDATE: As of August 5th, 2015 (8/5/2015) 6:10pm Pacific Time, it looks like the prices have "gone back to normal" for Dukes of Hazzard DVDs on Amazon. However, I would suggest investing in two sets though.
As far as the General Lee? No word yet. But, from what I hear the last ones with the flag have been produced and the AUGUST delivery ones will be delivered in September. After September, the price goes up.
Here is more information:
Can't wait to get mine. I was lucky as I ordered at the end of June.
UPDATE: As of August 5th, 2015 (8/5/2015) 6:10pm Pacific Time, it looks like the prices have "gone back to normal" for Dukes of Hazzard DVDs on Amazon. However, I would suggest investing in two sets though.
As far as the General Lee? No word yet. But, from what I hear the last ones with the flag have been produced and the AUGUST delivery ones will be delivered in September. After September, the price goes up.
Here is more information:
Can't wait to get mine. I was lucky as I ordered at the end of June.
Albert, E. (2015, July 10). “Luke Duke” visits Carlisle Chrysler Nationals, speaks out about Confederate Flag. Retrieved July 14, 2015, from
Barcaro, M. (2015, July 10). "Dukes of Hazzard" car on display in Carlisle amid Confederate flag controversy. Retrieved July 14, 2015, from
Fisher, L. (2015, July 1). TV Land Pulls 'Dukes of Hazzard' Reruns. Retrieved July 14, 2015, from
Nardo, M. (2015, July 10). Dukes of Hazard actor in Carlisle, responds to confederate flag controversy. Retrieved July 14, 2015, from
Warner Brothers (2015, June 24). Statement Regarding. Retrieved July 19, 2015, from
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