Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Back to The Future Day: October 21 2015

Today is “Back to the Future” day or BTTF. WOW!

[Screen cap of the time circuit board illuminated with the "pivotal" dates. Image found on Google]

[DeLorean parked in the Fremont Street Experience at the Las Vegas Car Stars. May 15, 2015] 

We learned about October 21, 2015 in “Back to the Future 2” (1989) – let that sink in for a moment.

I’ve been reading about the things that should have been done this time, according to the movie that was released in 1989. That was 26 years ago. A lifetime (if ya go by 20 or 25 year span). Some of today’s “adults” hadn’t even been born yet! Let that sink in too! 

But, let’s discuss the end of BTTF #3 to see why today is perhaps not the way it was portrayed in BTTF #2 …

Marty arrives on October 27, 1985, escaping the powerless DeLorean before it is destroyed by an oncoming freight train. He discovers that everything has returned to the improved timeline and finds Jennifer sleeping on her front porch. He uses the lessons he learned in 1885 from being goaded into a street race with Needles, avoiding a possible automobile accident. Remembering that this accident would have sent Marty's life spiraling downward by 2015, Jennifer opens the fax message she kept from 2015 and watches as the message regarding Marty being fired is erased.” (Back to the Future III)

When Doc Brown, his time-traveling train, and family arrive … Jennifer asks about that now erased note.

Doc Brown’s response? What we’ve come to expect from a great mind:

It means your future hasn't been written yet. No one's has. Your future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one, both of you”.

That’s right. The future hadn’t been written yet. Marty’s accident didn’t happen so that 2015 timeline “vanished”.  

So, perhaps that is why a lot of things didn’t occur as perhaps they once had:

** Double neck-ties

** Hoverboard

** Jaws 19

** Flying Cars

** Barcode License Plates

Sometimes small things change the entire history of what was supposed to happen versus what does happen. Just a thought there.

In 1985 (when the story begins), his family were … well … not so well off. When Marty went back to 1955, he actually “empowered” his father to stand up to Biff, thus changing the sequence of events. When he returns to 1985? His family has money, his father is more confident and an author, his mother quite stunning, his siblings weren’t such “losers”, and Marty has a new truck that Biff is polishing.

Also remember, it was the Twin Pines mall when Marty departed. Marty’s accident in the past (running over one of the pine trees in the Peabody Farm) changed it to Lone Pine Mall when he returned back to 1985 from 1955:

[One of the many time-travel related changes. I do not own this image, this was featured on BuzzFeed. Found on Google.]

Even there we see how changing the past clearly changes the future – which hasn’t been written yet.  

It’s interesting, right?

As for me, I saw the movies on HBO in the early 1990’s, when they aired all three in one night. I knew I’d be around in 2015, but this? It’s a bit surreal.

Oh, and let’s not forget that Facebook and Twitter were not mentioned (or “social media”) – which I’m sure I’ll be hearing about BTTF on both for most of today.

I’m still glad Pepsi is around, and their “made with real sugar” varieties. I love Coca-Cola, but sometimes a good old fashioned Pepsi is great too. As for the other things?

Well …

Here are more photos from the interior of the “time machines”

[The time circuit board]

[Flux capacitor and other circuits]

** As of note, any pictures not bearing my © 2015 Marie Edwards do not belong to me. They were found using Google. Since so many versions exist, it is hard to give the proper credit. **

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