Saturday, February 1, 2014

Reflections: 2013 – Part 4

Family & Friends

It was in 2011 that I reconnected with quite a few members of my family, and it was over a tragedy. Still, I think it helped me grow at a time I felt conflicted in my life.

I feel so blessed in having a close, albeit distant (in location) relationship with my family. Got to talk to some cousins online, and on the phone over the holidays, so I feel very loved and blessed to connect with them again and talk. I missed so much of their lives, and they missed so much of mine. I try to post (on Facebook) as much as I can photo and status wise – still, it’s the lost time that hurts the most. 

All I can do is go forward and appreciate the time we do have.

I’ve also made some new friends in real life, on Twitter, and Facebook in that time. I am so thankful that people find me that interesting to follow and want to share bits and pieces of my life with.

Some friendships ended without so much as a word or warning. Although I’m sure it's for the best and there is obviously a reason for it, I wish that they would have told me why before they just ended the friendship. I would have liked their side of the story and at least have a chance to say “goodbye, and I wish you well” or try to figure it out. I realize we might not always have identical views on issues, but that variety and those counter-points are essential to learning and growing. Perhaps some people haven't reached the same point in life that I have or they don't want to. 

But, as with every loss there is a gain … and in every gain there is a loss. I am sure what I have to gain is certainly worth the loss. At the time, it never seems like it is … but, it is. I’ve learned that through someone I admire. The things that happen to us in our lives – good or bad, are part of our life's journey. Friends are sometimes seasonal, be it a good season or a bad one. They're there for the time they are, and then they're gone. 

I’ve also noticed that there is a distance between some friends and myself, certainly not on my part. While I was a bit heart-broken in the beginning, I have found the distance has helped me gain some perspective into my life. Its helped me discover who I am, where I have been, where I am going, and who I am becoming. Again, the whole loss/gain perspective.

As a result, I’ve had the opportunity to try and do new things on my own. It’s been an incredible discovery, to be honest.

Hidden Falls Park; Henderson, NV 

I’m looking forward to the new chapters/phases of my life. I am looking forward to writing new stories on this new canvas, and as always, the journey in getting there. 

Sometimes we may never get there, but the journey is the best part as I am beginning to discover.

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